Since forming in 2007 and initially starting as just a weekly club to get together and sing, SOSO have achieved far more than founder Su could have expected.
“Initially we were never going to be a performance choir but as we grew not only in numbers but in confidence, I found the members where more than willing to participate in local and community activities. As a leader I felt it was my responsibility to have as many exciting projects as possible and in the process enjoy singing at some of Liverpool’s most exciting venues. Our ethos is to encourage members to have fun and feel they have achieved something as a group when we perform in public, we always strive to be as good as we can whilst maintaining that anyone, of any singing ability, can join us”
So far the list of performances and achievements are impressive
First Charity Concert 28th April 2007
“Stepping out of the Shower” Performance room Alima Centre Liverpool
SOSO raised over £2,000 for Claire House, members had only been with the club for a few months when we encouraged them to sing as a group, some of our more enthusiastic members sang solo’s for the first time in front of an audience of over 150. We still have fond memories of our first major event
St George’s hall
Performing Liverpool songs for the public as part of History week Liverpool
Saturday 15th December 2007
Christmas at Clayton Square
We love that our members love to dress up and what better time than at Christmas, sparkly earrings, flashing lights and tinsel, and that’s just the men!! This was our first Christmas at Clayton square and we returned a year later at their request
Christmas Concert St Paschal Baylon
Concert to help raise funds for the children of Mkuru Africa
Annual Concert
Fairfield Police social club
Fairfield Police social club SOSO raised over £1,500 for Liverpool Echo Charity Liverpool Unites
Last Choir Standing
SOSO qualified for the quarter finals of the BBC’S last choir standing. 31 members enjoyed a trip to London where we met and sang for the judging panel including Russell Watson, All judges were complimentary, they loved our enthusiasm and our socks !
Even though they said we weren’t quite ready for the show they encouraged us to keep going and to apply next time. Disappointment didn’t come into it as we enjoyed a very noisy non-stop sing song on the coach from the minute we left London all the way to Liverpool
Relay for life, cancer charity
Litherland sports centre
We were honoured to be asked to sing at the lighting of the candles for lost loved ones, Su wrote a song called candle in your name to mark the occasion
- Lord Mayors Parade Liverpool 1
- Manchester Amateur choir competition
- Ms Society Christmas concert
- Carols at Nazareth House Crosby
- Christmas songs at St John’s sheltered homes Waterloo
- Christmas songs at The Met Quarter Liverpool city centre
- Chinese New year, with Liverpool Chinese Business community Directed by Billy Hui, Adelphi Hotel
- Contemporary Urban Centre Liverpool,
- Supported Contemporary Urban choir
- SOSO Annual concert Fairfield Social club
- St Georges Hall, Pride in Liverpool celebrations
- End of season BBQ and songs
- St Mary’s complex
- Juice Fm toy appeal launch and Clayton square Christmas light switch on.
Fun singing in the city with Juice FM, Santa’s helpers and guest Craig Phillips - Christmas Songs at The Met Quarter
A lively hour of fun songs and carols at the busy shopping centre where we were joined by Santa himself! - Nazareth House Crosby
We were invited back for our second visit to the nursing home where many residents sang along and had a great evening.