Category Archives: school
Individual and group singing
Do you love singing or just want to start out and have a go? Here you will find a course to suit you.
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Singing lessons and Vocal tuition
When I teach students, group classes or professionals I combine my skills from everything I have learned in the field of voice research from ENT Surgeons, speech and language therapists and acclaimed voice teachers. Continue reading
One to one and group singing lessons
From beginners who may just want to see if they have a voice and sing for fun to the professional who wants to improve or enhance their repertoire and skills. If you want to enter the countries biggest and most popular singing competition we are associate Teachers and on the judging panelĀ Continue reading
Vocal bootcamps
Su runs a series of voice bootcamps throughout the year. Continue reading
Team building
Team building workshops for businesses, schools, women’s groups, community groups, the workplace Continue reading
Fear of public speaking courses
Fear of public speaking or Glossophobia is one of the biggest fears amongst adults
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voice workshops and coaching for professionals, teachers actors, Students from schools, colleges, universities and individuals who wish to improve their voices Continue reading